Embassy Series
Multiple Security Challenges in Central Europe:
Migration Crisis and Relations with Russia

Réka Szemerkényi, Ambassador of Hungary to the United States

Washington, DC—On September 21, 2015, Reka Szemerkényi, Ambassador of Hungary to the United States, spoke to the WFPG on the migrant crisis in Europe and Hungarian relations with Russia. In her remarks, Ambassador Szemerkényi emphasized the importance of a coordinated effort among member states to address the increasingly complex situation.

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WFPG President Patricia Ellis and
Ambassador Réka Szemerkényi


Patricia Ellis welcomes guests


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Ambassador Szemerkényi discusses Hungary’s
role in the migrant crisis


Patricia Ellis, Amassador Szemerkényi,
Ambassador Floreta Faber of Albania and
Ambassador Elena Poptodorova of Bulgaria


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Ambassador Szemerkényi answers questions


Monika Lipert-Sowa of the Embassy of Poland

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WFPG Board Member Gebe Martinez with guest


Patricia Ellis, Ambassador Faber and Susan Pearce of the
Center for Strategic and International Studies



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