Dear Members and Friends, We closed our 2019 program year with a fantastic Celebrating Women Leaders Luncheon with Ambassador Susan Rice, Susan Gordon, and Andrea Thompson. Thank you to all of you who joined us in support of this very special program. If you weren't able to join us this year, we hope that you'll take a moment to watch the program on C-SPAN. With 2020 just around the corner, we hope that you will consider joining us and supporting our mission to advance women's leadership in international affairs, amplify their voices, and expand the foreign policy dialogue across political divides and across generations. Join us as a member to connect with a network of dynamic women working in international affairs and participate in our substantive programs throughout the year. Consider giving the gift of membership to an aspiring leader or make a contribution to help support our mentoring program. Thank you for being a part of the WFPG. With your support we can make a difference in providing greater visibility for women leaders and in promoting the next generation. Happy Holidays, Kim Kahnhauser Freeman WFPG Executive Director

2019 Celebrating Women Leaders Luncheon
On December 3rd, the WFPG was proud to honor three international security professionals at its annual benefit luncheon in Washington, DC. Ambassador Susan Rice, 24th US National Security Advisor (2013-2017), joined USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page for a conversation on Rice's new memoir Tough Love.

We also heard from Hon. Susan Gordon, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (2017-2019), and Hon. Andrea Thompson, Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs (2018-2019), who joined New York Times Washington Bureau Chief and WFPG Board Member Elisabeth Bumiller for a conversation on current national security challenges, as well as their own career paths.
Thank you to our sponsors and all of you who joined us in support of this special event!
Photos | Video | Sponsors | Host Committee

Nonprofit & Government Career Forum
On November 15th, 2019, WFPG co-sponsored our annual Nonprofit & Government Career Forum with GWU, NYU, UPenn, and UD. The event included a panel discussion on careers in international affairs with Becca Balis, Rebecca Webber Gaudiosi, Wanida Lewis, and Beth Solomon, followed by a career expo, which offered students an opportunity to meet with representatives of various NGOs, non-profits, and government agencies. Read more

Moving Forward: The Evolving US and Mexico Partnership
On October 23rd, Ambassador of Mexico to the United States, Martha Bárcena Coqui, discussed the evolving relationship between the US and Mexico. In the discussion moderated by Karen DeYoung of The Washington Post, Ambassador Bárcena emphasized the importance of passing the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA), the priorities of President Lopez Obrador, and the pressures on the border between the two countries. Read more

Save the Date! WFPG's Annual Mentoring Forum February 5, 2020 | DC February 13, 2020 | NY
The WFPG's annual Mentoring Fairs, held in both Washington and New York, give students and young professionals the opportunity to speak informally with senior-level international affairs experts about the skills required to break into the global job market and hear valuable advice and guidance regarding career planning and internships. Sectors include international development, NGOs, human rights, international health, international trade, diplomatic service, the United Nations, and communications. Unlike a career fair, the focus is on entering and succeeding in international career fields, not just opportunities at particular companies.
Registration for both mentors and mentees will open in January.

Networks for Inclusion: Organizing Women in the Security Sector | Elandre Dedrick
Despite women now comprising over half of graduate students in international affairs in the United States, progress toward gender equality in national security and foreign policy remains sluggish, especially at the leadership level. Undeterred, women have created multiple organizations to assist other women as they navigate the security sector, mentoring and helping them gain greater visibility in the field. Read more
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Young Professional Network Update
In November, the WFPG's Young Professional DC Network heard from Gretchen Ehle of the Atlantic Council, who shared her insight from her career in the nonprofit sector. The network is open to all WFPG student and young professional members, as well as young professionals working at the offices of any of our organizational or corporate members.
Want to get more involved and join the leadership team for 2020? Let us know at [email protected] if you would like to be considered.
It is with great sadness that we share that Ambassador Linda Jewell, an active WFPG member and committed mentor, passed away on November 18, 2019 after a long illness. Ambassador Jewell served 32 years in the US Foreign Service, with a final assignment as Ambassador to Ecuador (2005-2008). During her career, she also served in in Indonesia, India, Mexico, Poland, and Costa Rica. Her other positions at the Department of State included Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs and Director of the Office of Policy Planning and Coordination for the Bureau. Full obituary
In this issue...
- Recent Event Highlights
- Upcoming Events
- Blog Posts
- Young Professional Network
Join the WFPG!
WFPG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and all memberships and contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Join today for 2020!
Give a gift membership
Do you have an aspiring young leader in your life? Give the gift of WFPG membership and introduce her to our network of dedicated professionals committed to promoting the voices of women in foreign policy!
Gift memberships
Save the date
Feb 5 | DC DC Mentoring Forum More information
Feb 13 | NY NY Mentoring Forum More information