Tell Me How this Ends: General David Petraeus and the Search for a Way Out of Iraq


Linda Robinson

Author in Residence, Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies

Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies


Women's Foreign Policy Group 

Author Series

September 11, 2008


Academy for Educational Development

Washington, DC


 Robinson's latest work is drawn from interviews   with Iraqi leaders, Iraqi and U.S. troops, General  Petraeus and Ryan Crocker, U.S. Ambassador   to Iraq.

 Robinson spoke to WFPG members 

and guests about her latest book before taking 

questions and signing copies of her work.


Isabel Jasinowski, WFPG Board Member, and Patricia Ellis, WFPG President.

 WFPG staff and interns welcomed Robinson.

WFPG members and guests discussed 

 issues facing the U.S. and Iraq. 

Maria Montanez and Patricia Ellis.