What Does It Take to Compete in the Global Arena?
The Challenges for Mexico and Brazil

Diana Villiers Negroponte, The Brookings Institution

New York, NY—On September 6, 2013, Diana Villiers Negroponte, author of The End of Nostalgia and a non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, addressed WFPG at an Author Series event on the challenges for Mexico and Brazil to compete on the global stage. In her remarks, Negroponte covered Mexico and Brazil's domestic economic challenges including the demands of an emerging middle class, poor education systems, and pervasive levels of violence. The discussion was moderated by WFPG President Patricia Ellis and co-sponsored by the Institute of International Education.


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Diana Villiers Negroponte addresses WFPG

  Warren Hoge, Patricia Ellis, and Diana Villiers Negroponte

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Patricia Ellis and Anna Duran

  Daniel Kramer of IIE asks a question

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