Women, Business and the Law: Getting to Equal
Tazeen Hasan, The World Bank

Washington, DC—On September 16, 2015, Tazeen Hasan, senior private sector development specialist for the World Bank’s Women, Business, and the Law project, spoke to the WFPG about the World Bank’s 2016 report, which is released every two years. The report provides data on legal barriers for women in 173 economies. Hasan discussed women’s abilities to start businesses and pursue trades and professions, access to parental leave, how they are impacted by gender-based violence, as well as other factors affecting women’s legal rights around the world. Hasan emphasized that overall 90% of economies still have at least one legal obstacle that impedes women’s economic opportunities.


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WFPG President Patricia Ellis and Tazeen Hasan of
The World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law team


Tazeen Hasan discusses the World Bank’s
Women, Business and the Law project


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Patricia Ellis moderates the discussion


Deputy Chief of Mission Jolene Tan of Singapore
discusses women's rights in southeast Asia


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Yasmin Bin-Humam of the World Bank


Anne Simmons-Benton during the Q&A

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Janet Breslin-Smith of the National War College


WFPG audience and guests