Yemen: Who Can Put Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again?
Ambassador Barbara Bodine, Georgetown University


Washington, DC—On September 18, 2015, Ambassador Barbara Bodine, Ambassador to Yemen (1997-2001) and now a professor and the director of the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University, spoke to the WFPG on the war in Yemen. Ambassador Bodine discussed the growing humanitarian crisis, the involvement of the Saudis and other coalition members, and what it would take to restore order in Yemen. While addressing the origins of the conflict, Ambassador Bodine emphasized that it is “not just the forgotten war, it is the unknown war”.


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Ambassador Barbara Bodine discusses the
growing humanitarian crisis in Yemen


WFPG President Patricia Ellis and Ambassador Bodine


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WFPG Board Members Diana Villers Negroponte and
Ann Stock, Patricia Ellis, Ambassador Bodine, and
Ambassador Hunaina Sultan Admed Al-Mughairy of Oman


Ambassador Al-Mughairy discusses Oman’s aid to
Yemenis and media coverage of the crisis


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Anna Mary Portz of the State Department during the Q&A


Board member Diana Negroponte asks about the
key players in Yemen’s war

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WFPG members and guests


Diana Negroponte, Ambassador Bodine and
Ambassador Al- Mughairy



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