Fast Foward: How Women Can Achieve Power and Purpose
Ambassador Melanne Verveer, Georgetown University

Washington, DC—On November 6, 2015, Ambassador Melanne Verveer of Georgetown University’s Institute for Women, Peace and Security and co-author of Fast Forward: How Women Can Achieve Power and Purpose spoke to the WFPG about the vital role of women in foreign policy. In her remarks, Ambassador Verveer discussed how empowering women is a key factor in solving economic, environmental and other foreign policy issues.


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Ambassador Melanne Verveer and moderator
Patricia Ellis during the program


Ambassador Verveer with WFPG Board Chair
Ann Stock, Board Members Theresa Loar of CH2M
and Donna McLarty, and President Patricia Ellis


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Ann Stock opens the program


Ambassador Verveer addresses the WFPG


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Ambassador Vlora Çitaku of Kosovo, Theresa Loar,
Ann Stock, Ambassador Verveer, Patricia Ellis,
Ambassador Floreta Faber of Albania, and Ambassador
Cecilia Nahón of Argentina


Ambassador Floreta Faber and WFPG Board Member
Donna McLarty of Vital Voices

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Ambassador Cecilia Nahón asks a question


Ambassador Vlora Çitaku during the Q&A



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Nomonde Xundu of the Embassy of South Africa


A participant during the Q&A



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Ambassador Verveer signs her book Fast Forward for
WFPG Associate Director Kimberly Kahnhauser


Theresa Loar during the book signing



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