November 13, 2015 | Washington, DC
NGO, Non-Profit and Government Career Forum
Co-sponsored with NYU, GW, and UPenn

Washington, DC—On November 13, 2015, WFPG co-sponsored a Non-Profit and Government Career Forum with George Washington University, New York University, and the University of Pennsylvania. The event gave students an opportunity to meet over 30 NGO's, non-profits, and government agencies. The forum also included a panel discussion with Ambassador Barbara Bodine of Georgetown University, Mariam Mansury of the Institute for Inclusive Security, Tessa Valk Mayerick of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and Sandra Pepera of the National Democratic Institute. WFPG President Patricia Ellis moderated the discussion

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Sandra Pepera of NDI and Tessa Valk Mayerick of UNHCR


Ambassador Barbara Bodine, Mariam Mansury of the
Institute for Inclusive Security and Patricia Ellis of the WFPG

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Students listening to the panel discussion


Career forum panelists

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Sirjana Shakya discussing the WFPG at the Career Forum


Career forum expo