CELEBRATING WOMEN LEADERS LUNCHEON December 11, 2015 | Washington, DC War and Diplomacy: The Inside Story of Covering the World's Conflicts Margaret Brennan, CBS News Helene Cooper, The New York Times Missy Ryan, The Washington Post Elisabeth Bumiller, The New York Times
UN BRIEFING November 18, 2015 | Washington, DC The Central African Republic: The Situation on the Ground, Women and Peacekeeping Barrie Freeman, UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission (MINUSCA) Co-sponsored with NDI
MEMBER EVENT November 12, 2015 | Washington, DC Member and Guest Reception Hosted by WFPG Board Member Donna McLarty
AUTHOR SERIES November 6, 2015 | Washington, DC Fast Forward: How Women Can Achieve Power and Purpose Ambassador Melanne Verveer, Georgetown University
BEYOND THE HEADLINES October 29, 2015 | New York, NY Elevating the Voices of Women:NYC Building Global Partnerships Commissioner Penny Abeywardena, NY Mayor’s Office for International Affairs Co-sponsored with the JFEW SUNY Program
BEYOND THE HEADLINES October 21, 2015 | Washington, DC What's Next for Ukraine? Humanitarian and Foreign Policy Challenges Dawn Calabia, Refugees International Honorary Advisor Ambassador Paula J. Dobriansky, Harvard University Senior Fellow
BEYOND THE HEADLINES October 19, 2015 | Washington, DC Obama and Putin: Battlefield Syria Karen DeYoung, The Washington Post Steven Lee Myers, The New York Times Elisabeth Bumiller, The New York Times (Moderator) Co-sponsored by NYU Washington, DC
BEYOND THE HEADLINES October 19, 2015 | Washington, DC The Growth of ISIS and the Deterioration of Women's Rights in the Middle East Haleh Esfandiari, The Wilson Center Tara Sonenshine, George Washington Unversity (Moderator)
STATE DEPARTMENT BRIEFING October 15, 2015 | Washington, DC US Priorities at the 70th UN General Assembly Ambassador Tracey Jacobson, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs
EMBASSY SERIES October 8, 2015 | Washington, DC Switzerland's Good Offices: Protection of Interests in Cuba, Iran and Beyond H.E. Martin Dahinden, Ambassador of Switzerland to the United States
AUTHOR SERIES October 5, 2015 | New York, NY Women on the Front Lines: Special Operations and America's New Rangers Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, Council on Foreign Relations Co-sponsored by the Institute of International Education
STATE DEPARTMENT BRIEFING October 2, 2015 | New York, NY US Priorities at the 70th UN General Assembly Bathsheba Crocker, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations Co-sponsored by the Institute of International Education
EMBASSY SERIES September 30, 2015 | Washington, DC Argentina's Presidential Elections: State of Affairs & Perspectives on the Economy & Foreign Policy H.E. Ambassador Cecilia Nahón, Ambassador of Argentina to the United States
EMBASSY SERIES September 21, 2015 | Washington, DC Multiple Security Challenges in Central Europe: Migration Crisis and Relations with Russia H.E. Réka Szemerkényi, Ambassador of Hungary to the United States
BEYOND THE HEADLINES September 18, 2015 | Washington, DC Yemen: Who Can Put Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again? Ambassador Barbara Bodine, Georgetown University
BEYOND THE HEADLINES September 16, 2015 | Washington, DC Women, Business and the Law: Getting to Equal Tazeen Hasan, The World Bank
BROWN-BAG LUNCHEON August 10, 2015 | Washington, DC Where Do You Start? Careers in International Affairs Angie Bryan, Senior Foreign Service Officer Mariam Mansury, Institute for Inclusive Security Stefania Piffanelli, United Nations Information Center (UNIC)
BEYOND THE HEADLINES August 6, 2015 | Washington, DC The Burma Showdown: What's At Stake for the US Rena Pederson, author of The Burma Spring Sarnata Reynolds, Refugees International
AUTHOR SERIES July 21, 2015 | Washington, DC Ashley's War: The Untold Story of a Team of Women Soldiers on the Special Ops Battlefield Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, Council on Foreign Relations
20TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE June 10, 2015 | Washington, DC Women Leaders Tackling 21st Century Challenges A full-day conference and evening reception celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the WFPG
EMBASSY SERIES May 18, 2015 | Washington, DC Germany and the US: Common Challenges of the Transatlantic Relationship H.E. Peter Wittig, Ambassador of Germany to the United States Karen DeYoung, The Washington Post
STATE DEPARTMENT BRIEFING May 13, 2015 | Washington, DC Charting a New Course on Cuba Roberta Jacobson, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Karen DeYoung, The Washington Post
BEYOND THE HEADLINES May 1, 2015 | Washington, DC The Migrant Crisis in the Mediterranean:The European Union's Response H.E. David O'Sullivan, Ambassador of the European Union to the United States
BEYOND THE HEADLINES April 29, 2015 | Washington, DC Putin: The Man at War with the West Fiona Hill, The Brookings Institution
DC CELEBRATION OF WOMEN DIPLOMATS April 23, 2015 | Washington, DC A reception to celebrate and highlight the achievements of women diplomats Hosted by Ambassador Maguy Maccario Doyle of Monaco
NY CELEBRATION OF WOMEN DIPLOMATS April 21, 2015 | New York, NY A reception to celebrate and highlight the achievements of women diplomats Hosted by WFPG Member Geraldine Kundstadter
BEYOND THE HEADLINES April 10, 2015 | Washington, DC Germany in Europe: The Cautious Leader Karen Donfried, German Marshall Fund
UN BRIEFINGMarch 31, 2015 | New York, NY Voices of Women from the UN Security Council on Peace and Security Co-hosted by Ambassador Alya Bint Ahmed Bin Saif Al Thani, Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations
EMBASSY SERIESMarch 9, 2015 | Washington, DC France After the Terrorist Attacks in Paris H.E. Gérard Araud, Ambassador of France to the United States
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY March 4, 2015 | Washington, DC Co-sponsored with the United Nations Foundation and the United Nations Information Centre
ANNUAL NY MENTORING FAIR February 26, 2015 | New York, NY Co-sponsored with New York University's Wasserman Career Center and New York University's Wagner School of Public Service
BEYOND THE HEADLINES February 23, 2015 | Washington, DC Standing under ISIS Narratives: Implications of a Narrative Lens for Countering Extremism Sara Cobb, George Mason University
BEYOND THE HEADLINESFebruary 11, 2015 | Washington, DC Gender-Based Violence in the DRC: A Status Report Marcy Hersh, Refugees International
BEYOND THE HEADLINES February 6, 2015 | New York, NY Gender-Based Violence in the DRC: A Status Report Marcy Hersh, Refugees International Co-hosted by the Institute of International Education
ANNUAL DC MENTORING FAIR February 4, 2015 | Washington, DC Co-sponsored with The George Washington University Career Center
STATE DEPARTMENT BRIEFINGJanuary 29, 2015 | Washington, DC Human Rights and National Security Tom Malinowski, Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
BEYOND THE HEADLINESJanuary 15, 2015 | Washington, DC Obama's Cuba Initiative: Significance and Next Steps Julia E. Sweig, author and scholar on US-Latin America relations