The Election of Emmanuel Macron:
The Impact on France, the EU, and Transatlantic Relations
Benjamin Haddad, Hudson Institute
Washington, DC—On June 1, 2017, Benjamin Haddad joined the Women's Foreign Policy Group to discuss the recent Presidential election in France. He is a research fellow at Hudson Institute specializing in European and transatlantic affairs. His work has mostly focused on domestic European politics, the future of the EU, the rise of populism and Islamism in European societies, Russian influence, and US foreign policy towards Europe. He is also a frequent analyst for French policymakers and media on US politics and foreign policy. During the recent election, Haddad represented the Macron campaign in Washington, DC. The event was moderated by WFPG President Patricia Ellis.
Nathalie Broadhurst, Deputy Chief of Mission of France, with Benjamin Haddad and WFPG President Patricia Ellis
Benjamin Haddad of the Hudson Institute speaks
on the recent election in France
Ambassador Vlora Çitaku of Kosovo with
Deputy Chief of Mission Maria Theodorou of Greece
Patricia Ellis and Benjamin Haddad
Deputy Chief of Mission Alejandra Solano
of Costa Rica listens to remarks
Caroline Vicini, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union, during the Q&A
Donna Constantinople asks a question
Andrew Hanna of Politico during the Q&A
WFPG members and guests listen to the speaker
Pascale-Emmanuelle Nouama, The Atlas Performing
Arts Center, asks a question