North Korea: The Escalating Crisis and the Path Forward
Sue Mi Terry, Center for Strategic and International Studies


New York, NY—On February 2, 2018, WFPG hosted a conversation with Sue Mi Terry, Former US National Security Council Korea Director and Senior Fellow for Korea at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The off-the-record discussion covered Kim Jong Un's goals, the upcoming Olympic games, policy alternatives for the US, and sanctions. The program was moderated by WFPG Executive Director Kim Kahnhauser Freeman and co-sponsored by the Institute of International Education.

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Lauren Potter welcomes guests on behalf of IIE
WFPG Executive Director Kim Kahnhauser Freeman introduces CSIS Senior Fellow Sue Mi Terry


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Sue Mi Terry addresses WFPG

Moderator Kim Kahnhauser Freeman asks a question

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Harriet Berg, Consul General of Norway
Diedre Mills, Deputy Permanent Representative of
Jamaica to the United Nations

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