In Camouflage or Afghan Veil: A Report from the Field
Elisabeth Bumiller, Pentagon Correspondent, The New York Times
NY Times Story | Transcript
Washington, DC—On October 12, 2010, Elisabeth Bumiller, Times Pentagon Correspondent, spoke on "In Camouflage or Afghan Veil: A Report from the Field" at the home of WFPG board chair Maxine Isaacs in Washington, DC. Bumiller recently returned from Afghanistan where she covered the military's use of women Marines to reach out and build relationships with Afghan women. Her October 2nd cover story was the third in a series following these Female Engagement Teams (FETs) and their role in the US counterinsurgency strategy.
Bumiller traveled through Helmand Province with a group of 40 impressive young women Marines spread out over 15 regional bases, and traveled with them to visit different homes. After the Marines asked permission to enter from the head of the household, the women engaged in conversations about their families and what needs existed in the village (e.g. security, water, medical care). Although initially the Afghan women were very cautious, they opened up over time. Afghan men were also more open with the FETs than with their male counterparts. Until the creation of the FETs, women Marines traditionally found themselves in support roles when deployed.
Board Chair Maxine Isaacs, Ambassador Tom Korologos, Board Member Ann Korologos, Elisabeth Bumiller, and WFPG President Patricia Ellis
Speaker Elisabeth Bumiller of The New York Times addresses WFPG
Maxine Isaacs welcomes guests
Moderator Patricia Ellis introduces the speaker
The audience listens to Elisabeth Bumiller
Ambassador Renee Jones-Bos of the Netherlands asks a question
WFPG Member Lea Sloan during Q&A |
Elisabeth Bumiller with Marine Corps Master Sergeant Julia Watson |
Board members Gail Leftwich Kitch and Donna Constantinople speak with Elisabeth Bumiller
Ambassador Jones-Bos and Patricia Ellis