Dear Members & Friends,
We hope that you had a wonderful summer! We have a lot of exciting programs coming up this fall, including discussions on US-Turkey relations and on Russia's global influence. We are also thrilled to announce several new initiatives, including our Young Professional Network, the launch of our Member Blog and the release of our 2018 Guide to Women Leaders.
Over the summer we held several member brainstorming sessions so that we could hear more from you about what you're looking for and what ideas you have for the organization. We heard a lot of great feedback and look forward to continuing the conversation. If you couldn't make it to our brainstorming sessions and you have five minutes to spare, we hope that you'll share your thoughts on our brief member survey. Thank you for all of your support and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Best, WFPG
Young Professional Network Launch
This fall, the WFPG is launching a Young Professional Network for our members just launching their careers. Programming will include informal mentoring chats, so if you're interested in volunteering to speak to a small group of young women about your career path, please email us at [email protected] and let us know. Read more
Mid-Career Mentoring
In July, WFPG held its first mid-career mentoring event and we were thrilled that so many of you were able to join us. Many of you expressed an interest in connecting with fellow women in their 30s and 40s for informal career conversations and networking every couple of months. If you're interested in helping to shape this initiative or in participating once things come together, let us know and share your ideas: Mid-Career Survey
2018 Guide to Women Leaders Release
Do you know how many United States ambassadors are women? How many heads of state? From government ministers and US officials to leaders of international organizations and corporations, the Women's Foreign Policy Group's Guide to Women Leaders provides an index of prominent women shaping foreign policy around the world. View WFPG's 2018 Guide
Member Blog
WFPG Members are invited to submit blog posts on foreign policy topics, women's leadership, and career and mentoring advice. Submissions should be sent to [email protected]. Learn more

Sustaining Peace in a Complex World
On July 25th, WFPG hosted Barrie Freeman, the Director and Deputy Head of the UN Peacebuilding Support Office, for a conversation on promoting sustainable peace. In her remarks, she defined the components of sustainable peace and the necessity of focusing on peacebuilding instead of post-conflict intervention. Read more
Plight and Resilience: Rohingya Women and Girls
Refugees International Senior Advocate for Women and Girls Francisca Vigaud-Walsh and UNFPA Washington Office Director Sarah Craven addressed the WFPG on July 19th. The discussion focused on the challenges faced by the over 700,000 Rohingya who have fled Myanmar, including the lack of access to quality sexual and reproductive health care and the lack of resources available to victims of gender based violence. Read more

Taking the Next Step to Leadership
In August, WFPG and WIIS co-hosted an interactive program to help advise young and mid-career professionals on advancing their careers in international security. The event included a panel discussion covering the challenges each panelist faced during their careers, how to find mentors and sponsors, and when to take gambles and risks. The second half of the program was dedicated to off-the-record roundtable mentoring sessions. Read more

How India is Making its Place in the World
The WFPG hosted conversations with author Alyssa Ayres on her new book Our Time Has Come: How India is Making its Place in the World in May in DC and in April in NY. Ayers underlined that India's economic growth has vaulted it into the ranks of the world's great powers, and how the US and the international system need to adjust to make room. New York Times Washington Bureau Chief Elisabeth Bumiller moderated the discussion in Washington. Read more
The Future of US Diplomacy in Cuba
In May, WFPG hosted a conversation with Former Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez and Ambassador Vicki Huddleston, author of Our Woman in Havana and Chief of the US Interests Section in Havana from 1999 to 2002. The speakers covered the recent leadership transition, sonic attacks on US and Canadian diplomats, and the impact of the reduced US presence. The conversation was moderated by Kezia McKeague of McLarty Associates. Join us to hear Ambassador Huddleston in NY on October 11th! Read more
In this issue...
- Young Professional Network
- Mid-Career Mentoring
- 2018 Guide to Women Leaders
- Member Blog
- Event Highlights
Upcoming Events
Sept 25 | DC Looking Beyond the Rhetoric: The Future of US-Turkey Relations Register
Oct 4 | DC Russia's Return to the Global Stage Register
Oct 4 | Online Mid-Career Event: Opportunities in International Organizations Register
Oct 11 | NY US-Cuba Relations: Progress, Pitfalls, and the Way Forward Register